Holography and gravitational waves

July 11 – 15, 2022

The past few years have witnessed a radical change of perspective on the problem of quantum gravity through the revelation that it can be organized in terms of new infinite dimensional symmetry groups. This led to a revised interest in applying the concept of holography to a new approach to the description of quantum geometry as well as to S-matrix scattering amplitudes in asymptotically flat spacetimes. While these two fields, which go under the name respectively of local holography and celestial holography, have been developed within two separate communities, they share conceptual aspects and technical tools more than oftentimes is realized. The infrared properties of these scattering amplitudes have observable features called gravitational-wave memory effects: thanks to the rapid growth in the field of gravitational-wave astrophysics, current and planned gravitational-wave detectors may soon be able to measure and study such effects. This IFPU Focus Week aims at bringing together experts from these different communities to discuss various aspects of the holographic nature of classical and quantum gravity, the structure of the asymptotic symmetries of flat spacetimes, and their phenomenological implications for gravitational wave effects.

Scientific organizing committee

Local organizing committee